Local Auctions. Live Auction. Online Auctions. Valuations. Auctioneers. Home Contents Auctions
Pottle Auctions specialise in onsite and online home content auctions, downsizing, deceased estates, and liquidations auctions in Sydney for collections covering fine art, jewellery and antiques.
Services include Home Contents Auctions, Deceased Estate and Liquidation Auctions onsite at the owner’s property or staged events in hired premises tailored to suit the collection.
We have conducted hundreds of single owner and Home Content Auctions and Deceased Estate Auctions in Sydney to date focusing on Antiques and fine art and with an average sold rate in excess of 90% well above the accepted averages in the field.

Julian Pottle - Auctioneer
With 20 years auction experience with Australian auction houses both locally and internationally, Pottle Auction director Julian Pottle is available to advise and personally manage the sale of your collection.
Julian is a fully licenced auctioneer in NSW,VIC, QLD, SA and WA

Pottle Auctions specialises in Home Content Auctions and Deceased Estates Auctions in Sydney for collections covering fine art jewellery and antiques. Services include:
- Home content auctions at the owners property
- Hired premises tailored to suit the collection
- Deceased estates, house clearances, estates from downsizing
- Liquidations from art, jewellery antiques shop and galleries
- Valutions- insurance, probate, family law & corporate collections